How To Make Magic Mushroom Tea: Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking for a phenomenal psychedelic experience, learning how to make magic mushroom tea is a great idea. Magic mushroom tea gives you all the usual sensational effects of magic mushrooms. The only difference is that, instead of gobbling dried shrooms, you can get the effects simply by drinking a refreshing cup of tea.

Making magic mushroom tea is fairly quick and simple. You can adjust the potency of your tea based on your preferences and even enhance your tea using extra flavorings. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make magic mushroom tea and what to expect from drinking it.

Why Make Magic Mushroom Tea?

You might have noticed that magic mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular in Canada. Not only are they known for delivering a range of fascinating psychedelic effects, but they can also provide various benefits. For instance, studies suggest that magic mushrooms can decrease anxiety and depression, increase creativity, and even help counter addiction.

Many people get the effects of magic mushrooms simply by eating dried magic mushrooms. After all, it’s quick, easy, and effective. However, dried shrooms are known for having a bitter, unpleasant taste which can ruin the experience for some users. As such, many people choose to brew magic mushroom tea instead.

Magic mushroom tea is exactly what it sounds like – tea that’s been infused with the effects of magic mushrooms. Drinking magic mushroom tea gives you all the same effects you’d get from eating shrooms or using other shroom-infused products. The only difference is that it provides a more pleasant method of consumption.

You can infuse shrooms into any kind of tea you like. You can also add ingredients such as honey and ginger to your magic mushroom tea to enhance the flavor. Some people even add lemon tea to their shroom tea – lemon juice can help convert psilocybin to psilocin quicker, leading to faster-acting effects.

What You Need To Make Magic Mushroom Tea

While there are a few methods of making magic mushroom tea, it usually involves brewing dried shrooms in hot water. As such, you’ll need to get your hands on some dried magic mushrooms. These come in various strains with some of the most popular being Golden Teachers, Penis Envy, and Blue Meanies.

Using 3.5 grams of dried magic mushrooms will give you a potent cup of magic mushroom tea. You can even use the leftovers to make two cups instead of one. While 3.5 grams is enough for a classic psychedelic trip, you might want to use a lower dose of 2 grams or even 1 gram if you want milder effects.

Along with your dried magic mushrooms, you’ll also need some tea. You can make magic mushroom tea simply by using a tea bag from your favorite brand of tea. You can also use a loose-leaf tea infuser to infuse your magic mushroom tea with your chosen tea leaves. You might also want to add other flavorings such as honey, lemon, and ginger.

You’ll also need a few basic pieces of equipment. You can use a saucepan or kettle for boiling water and brewing your magic mushroom tea. You’ll also need two tea cups or mugs. Make sure you also have a strainer for separating your tea from your shrooms and a teaspoon for stirring your magic mushroom tea.

What You Need To Make Magic Mushroom Tea

How To Make Magic Mushroom Tea: Step-by-Step Guide

Once you have the ingredients and equipment you need, you can start making your magic mushroom tea. This recipe uses 3.5 grams of dried magic mushrooms – enough to give you two cups of potent shroom tea. However, if you’re not looking for a classic psychedelic trip, simply lower the dosage to suit your needs.

Ingredients and Equipment:

  • 3.5 grams of dried magic mushrooms
  • 1 cup of water
  • A tea bag
  • A saucepan or kettle
  • 2 tea cups or mugs
  • A strainer
  • A teaspoon
  • Flavorings (honey, lemon, ginger, etc.)

Step 1: Start by boiling 1 cup of water in your saucepan or kettle. While your water is boiling, crush or chop your dried magic mushrooms into small pieces and add the pieces to one of your tea cups or mugs.

Step 2: Once you’ve boiled your water, allow it to cool briefly before adding it to your cup of chopped shrooms. Add your tea bag to infuse the water with your tea and let it steep for at least 10 minutes. During this process, your tea will be infused with the effects of your magic mushrooms.

Step 3: After steeping your shrooms and tea in hot water for at least 10 minutes, use a strainer to transfer the infused tea into another tea cup or mug. This will separate your tea from your leftover shrooms. At this point, you can also add flavorings such as honey, lemon, or ginger to your fresh cup of magic mushroom tea.

Step 4: Your cup of magic mushroom tea is now ready to drink. Keep in mind that the effects of magic mushroom tea can be incredibly strong but also take a while to kick in. You can also make a weaker cup of magic mushroom tea by adding hot water and tea to your cup of leftover shrooms.

How Long Does It Take For Magic Mushroom Tea To Work?

Even after drinking your magic mushroom tea, you might need to wait a while for the effects to kick in. Your body needs to digest and process the chemicals inside your shrooms before they take effect. As such, you should be patient and allow time for the effects to hit you.

The time it takes for your shrooms to kick in can vary depending on numerous factors, including your tolerance and your metabolism. Usually, it takes around 20 to 45 minutes for the effects to kick in. In some cases, it might take even longer – some users report waiting for up to 90 minutes.

Once the effects kick in, they can last for a very long time. Magic mushroom trips often last for 4 to 6 hours. Some users report feeling residual effects for even longer. The duration and intensity of your trip can also vary based on numerous factors, including the shrooms you use and your tolerance to psilocybin.

Combining your magic mushrooms with lemon juice often helps speed up the onset of your trip. Lemon juice converts psilocybin to psilocin faster, leading to faster-acting effects. You can do this by adding lemon juice to your magic mushroom tea or by soaking your dried magic mushrooms in lemon juice before brewing your shroom tea.

What To Expect From Your Magic Mushroom Tea

What To Expect From Your Magic Mushroom Tea

When you drink magic mushroom tea, you can expect the same kind of effects you’d get from eating magic mushrooms or consuming other shroom-infused products. You should expect a range of physical and mental changes, but these effects can vary based on what kind of magic mushrooms you use in your tea and what kind of dosage you use.

If you use around 3.5 grams of magic mushrooms in your shroom tea, you’ll likely experience a classic psychedelic trip. This often includes intense euphoria, hallucinations, a distorted sense of time, and even strong feelings of spirituality and a connection to nature.

When using lower doses, magic mushroom tea can boost your mood, enhance your senses, and give you waves of euphoria. These effects won’t be as strong as with higher doses, but they’re still noticeable and highly enjoyable.

Each strain of magic mushroom is different. For instance, using Golden Teacher magic mushrooms in your shroom tea could give you a different experience compared to using Blue Meanies. The intensity of the effects can also vary based on your tolerance to psilocybin. If you’re planning on using a high dosage, it’s best to have a friend watch over you during your trip.

Alternatives To Magic Mushroom Tea

Making magic mushroom tea is a fun and rewarding project. However, it’s not the only way to enjoy the effects of magic mushrooms. Those who want a convenient way to get the effects of psilocybin without eating dried magic mushrooms might want to consider some of the other options available.

Magic mushroom capsules are one of the best alternatives to drinking magic mushroom tea. Each capsule gives you a small dose of magic mushroom extract. You can take as many capsules as you need and simply swallow them with water to get the effects. Although you’ll still need to wait a while for the effects to kick in, it’s an easy, hassle-free method of consumption.

Magic mushroom edibles are another excellent alternative. Like magic mushroom capsules, these products give you a dose of magic mushroom extract in each serving. However, instead of capsules, they come in the form of tasty treats such as gummies or chocolates. These offer a more enjoyable way to get the effects of psilocybin.

You can buy magic mushroom capsules and edibles online in various brands and types. Those looking for a classic psychedelic trip should use macrodose products. Users who want to experience the benefits of psilocybin without a strong trip should use microdose products instead.

Alternatives To Magic Mushroom Tea


Learning how to make magic mushroom tea is a fun experience for any psychonaut. It’s one of the best ways to enjoy the effects of shrooms without dealing with the bitter taste of dried magic mushrooms. Of course, you might also want to try alternatives, such as magic mushroom gummies and capsules. For a range of psilocybin and cannabis products, check out Canada Cannabis Dispensary.

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